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Writer & Entrepeneur

Y. Blak Moore

Blak is a Chicago-based Urban Fiction writer. His literary background can be considered less than traditional. He grew up in the Chicago housing projects and poor neighborhoods, and though he partook of the street life, he remained an avid reader.

He taught himself to write and at first, he embarked on a career as a spoken word poetry artist by the name of Just Blak.

Though he loved the spoken word world, a place where he met many multi-talented people, his innermost desire was to be a novelist. Blak had several attempts at writing a book on the shelf. While dealing with family life (he had fathered his two daughters) and street life, he managed to finish the manuscripts that would become Triple Take, The Apostles and Slipping. All three novels would be published on a Random House imprint Striver's Row. Their publication launched his career as a novelist.

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